Friday, April 08, 2011

Lawrence Sustainability Network Announcements, April 8, 2011


April 8, 2011

Below, you will find more information on the following events:

April 9: LSN EcoParents' Spring Children's Clothing Swap
April 9: Saturday Downtown Farmers' Market Opens
April 10: Tax Day Picnic Celebration
April 16: Earth Day Parade and Celebration
April 16: Read Out, Sing Out... for EarthCare
April 20: The Economics of Happiness: A Film about Solutions
May 3: Tuesday Downtown Farmers' Market Opens
May 5: Thursday Farmers' Market behind Cottin's Opens
May 5: Free Food, Fashion, and Compassion!
May 5: Thursday Downtown Farmers' Market Opens
An invitation to join a Films for Action website calendar


For a gardening calendar and info on no-till, organic gardening, click here


Saturday, April 9, 2011, 1-3pm (check-in at 12:30)
LSN EcoParents' Spring Children's Clothing Swap
Faith Church, 1020 Kasold

This is a great opportunity to bring in clothes that your children have outgrown and exchange them for something "new". In the past we've had some fabulous items - Hannah Anderson dresses, Gap jeans, even snow pants. Spread the word - more people means more clothes to choose from!
The event starts at 1:00 but you can come at 12:30 to check-in. When checking-in we will count the number of items you bring and give you that number of "tickets" which will be your swap currency. At 1:00 you can start shopping. When you are done simply bring your selected items and tickets to the check out. We'll verify that you are leaving with the same number of items you came with and you can go. If you would like to shop but don't have anything to swap, we will sell tickets for a nominal fee ($1.00 - 2.00) All proceeds will be used to offset costs for the event.

While the swap is free to participants, it isn't free to host. We are requesting a $1.00 per person donation at the door to help offset the costs of the event.

Here are the rest of the rules:
1. This is a one-to-one swap. In other words, if you bring in 3 items you can exchange them for three other items. If you bring in items but don't see anything you would like to take, you must still leave what you have brought.

2. All items must be in CLEAN, wearable condition. They don't have to be perfect but please don't bring items that have obvious stains, holes, or are very shabby. If an item isn't in good enough condition to wear to school (or Grandma's house), you shouldn't bring it. If we determine that an item is not in good enough condition to swap, you may either take it back home with you or leave on the free table. Any items not accepted will not count as part of your swap total.

3. Small items like socks and underwear can be put in quart sized ziplock bags and will count as one item. Again, please only bring items that are clean and in good condition. All items (other than those in bags) will count as one ticket regardless of size.

4. We will only take boys and girls clothing and shoes - infant sizes through teens. No maternity wear, old toys, strollers, or other baby gear.

5. All items left at the end of the day will be donated to an area community center, school, or other non-profit (Penn House, SSL, etc.). You may not come back to retrieve your old items.

Also - we are looking for clothing donations and volunteers! If you can't attend but have clothes you are willing to donate, please email and we'll make arrangements to pick them up. We want to have a good selection for people to choose from. We will also need people to help out the day of the swap. If you are interested, please email us at In exchange for volunteering, you will be able to "shop" before the doors open on the 9th and through out the event. We will need people there starting at 11:00 to help set up and check people in, to help direct "traffic", and to help tear down after the event.
Be sure to check out our Facebook page and blog for future updates and email us with questions!

Saturday, April 9, 2011 7-11am

Lawrence Downtown Farmers' Market Opens

824 New Hampshire

The Lawrence Farmers Market opens its 36th season of fresh, locally grown food
at 7 a.m. on April 9 at 824 New Hampshire and running until 11 a.m. The
Tuesday Market opens for 2011 on May 3, 4-6 p.m. at 1020 Vermont, and
the Thursday Market begins May 5, 4-6 p.m., at 4931 W. 6th Street.

April 10, 2011, time TBA

Tax Day Picnic and Celebration

location TBA

Hello Kansans! On April 10th, we will hold a picnic celebrating our tax contribution to our communities--and demand corporations also pay their fair share. If people pay taxes for the necessities of society, corporations should pay for those same services--firefighting, crime prevention, and roads, for example.

We all need to pay our fair share during a budget crisis.

Saturday, April 16th

11th Annual Lawrence Earth Day Parade and Celebration

See below for location

The 2011 Lawrence Earth Day Parade and Celebration will be held on Saturday, April 16th. The Parade begins at 11:00 a.m., with the Earth Day Celebration in South Park following from 11:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

For further information, please contact the City’s Waste Reduction and Recycling Division at 832-3030 or visit

Saturday, April 16, 2011, 9am-4pm
Read-Out, Sing-Out... for EarthCare
South Park, Lawrence, KS



Oread Friends Meeting is sponsoring the fourth annual Read-Out, Sing-Out, Speak-Out, Act-Out, Dance-Out for Earthcare with EARTH DAY. We begin at 9:00 AM, April 16 in South Park and continue until 4:00 PM. (we’ll take an hour out between 11:00AM and noon for the Earth Day Parade). We invite anyone—old and young, alone or in groups—to read, sing, speak, act, dance, make music, or perform in any way to sign up for a 10-minute participation in this marathon event to protect and to celebrate our relationship with the Earth.

Please send your information to Beth Schultz ( We look forward to seeing you!


NAME: _______________________________________ PHONE (Land or Cell): _____________________


Your probable activity (reading, speaking, singing, acting, making music, or performing in any other way). Indicate approximately how many people will be involved:


Your Preferred Times between 9:00AM and 4:00PM (give three preferred hours and either AM or PM). If your event must be longer than 10 minutes, indicate how long it will be, and we will try to compensate. Thank you!

1___________________________2 ________________________3______________________

Wednesday, April 20th. 7:00pm
Films For Action presents The Economics of Happiness - A Film about Solutions for Transition
Liberty Hall. 644 Massachusetts St., Lawrence KS. $4.

This film brings a positive message about how a grassroots movement for localization is bubbling up from the cracks of a faltering global economy in every corner of the world. It is produced by Helena Norberg-Hodge of the International Society for Ecology and Culture, a not-for-profit working for the strengthening of local communities and economies, emphasizing education for action, moving beyond single issues to look at the more fundamental influences that shape our lives. Preview it here: The Economics of Happiness Trailer.

"This film presents the localization movement as a systemic alternative to corporate globalization, and a strategy that brings community and meaning to our lives." - Joanna Macy, author World as Lover, World as Self.

"A remarkable new documentary... Get a copy of this DVD. Then get the kids. Pull them away from their smartphones and video games... And show them this movie." - Russell Mokhiber, editor of The Corporate Crime Reporter

Tuesday, May 3, 2011, 4-6pm
Tuesday Downtown Farmers' Market Opens
1020 Vermont

The Tuesday Market opens for 2011 on May 3, 4-6 p.m. at 1020 Vermont, and
the Thursday Market begins May 5, 4-6 p.m., at 4931 W. 6th Street.


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