Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Sustainability Action Network Announcements, 25 April 2011


26 April 1986

Chernobyl explosion damage

At 1:23 a.m. on 26 April 1986, a catastrophic nuclear accident demolished Chernobyl Unit 4. Power plant operators lost control of the reactor while conducting experiments at low power. In a series of enormous explosion of the reactor core, a mammoth amount of heat and disintegrated radioactive fuel violently erupted into the atmosphere, 30-40 times the radioactivity of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombs. A fire that burned for 10 days spread radioactive fallout over tens of thousands of square miles, driving more than a quarter of a million people permanently from their homes. Estimates of related deaths from cancer range from 4,000 to over 980,000. Additional information is available at Chernobyl: Basic Facts. And a series of sobering photos can be viewed at The Chernobyl Disaster: 25 Years Ago.


Last Thursday, 21 April, a 6.3 earthquake struck Japan (#6 at last count). There are no reports of consequences at this time. The Japanese government has declared the 12 mile-radius evacuation zone to be a permanent exclusion zone, with anyone violating it subject to fines and jail time.

But at present, the little-mentioned fuel rod cooling pools are the critical concern. These cooling pools were designed into the roofs of the buildings (we're not making this up). And with the previous explosions, the structural integrity of four buildings are in danger from the weight of the water. These cooling pools contain radiation 20-times greater than in the reactors themselves, and because there are no pumps operating to circulate the water, the temperatures are reaching boiling. So TEPCO keeps adding tons of water to the pools. Meanwhile, this water is also leaking into the turbine buildings and the groundwater. in this YouTube video, Dr. Helen Caldicott makes a very clear comparison of this dire situation to that of Chernobyl - Dr Helen Caldicott - Fukushima Nuclear Disaster Far Worse than Chernobyl. You can also read the latest reports at - Nuclear Crisis in Japan - Updates.

If you agree that our climate solutions don't need nuclear energy, you might consider signing the following - A Simple Statement On Nuclear Power and Climate Change.
"I start off with the premise that nuclear energy is not optimal and so I am not a nuclear energy proponent,"
President Barack Obama's support this week for the construction of more nuclear power plants in the United States, amid the ongoing nuclear power plant disaster in Japan, must be considered as among the most wrong-headed and irrational positions ever taken by a US president
President Barack Obama's support this week for the construction of more nuclear power plants in the United States, amid the ongoing nuclear power plant disaster in Japan, must be considered as among the most wrong-headed and irrational positions ever taken by a US president


For more than three decades, Dr. Caldicott has been exposing the fallacies of "safe" nuclear power generation and the claim of low-level radioactive exposure being safe. In this article from The Guradian UK, she once again debunks the cavalier views of nuclear apologists, in context of both Chernobyl and Fukushima. "By reassuring the public that things aren't too bad, Monbiot and others at best misinform, and at worst misrepresent or distort, the scientific evidence of the harmful effects of radiation exposure. Internal radiation emanates from radioactive elements which enter the body by inhalation, ingestion, or skin absorption. The grave effects of internal emitters are of the most profound concern at Fukushima. It is inaccurate and misleading to use the term "acceptable levels of external radiation" in assessing internal radiation exposures. To do so, as Monbiot has done, is to propagate inaccuracies and to mislead the public." Her statements are well researched and supported, and her reasoning is hard to challenge - How nuclear apologists mislead the world over radiation.

She has established the Foundation for a Nuclear Free Planet to further public education about the often underestimated and poorly understood medical hazards and public health dangers of nuclear weapons and nuclear power. She is the author of the book "Nuclear Power is Not the Answer", available at her website.

Listen at KKFI-FM 90.1, or web-streaming at http://www.kkfi.org/

Tuesday, 26 April, 5:00am ¤ New Dimensions Media
Dr. Jean Bolen, MD, tells us that trees are our essential partners in life on this planet. She also makes the connection between the oppression of women and girls and the devastation of forests by man. Bolen believes, "If this world was a good place for children and women it would be a hugely different world."

Tuesday, 26 April, 9:00am ¤ GRIT Radio
This wide-ranging show will cover the Universal Declaration of Rights for Mother Earth (see article below), as well as environmental crusaders Antonia Juhaz, Tracie Washington, and water activist Maude Barlow.

Friday, 29 April, 9:30am ¤ Bioneers Radio Series
Bioneers presents "Energy Security: The Growth of Soft Energy". The 2002 California electricity crisis triggered the worst reflexes of many business and political leaders, who clamored for more fossil fuel power plants and fewer environmental limits. With the September 11th attacks has come the increased recognition that how we make and distribute energy is nearly impossible to protect. The Rocky Mountain Institute’s Hunter Lovins and renewable energy expert David Katz examine how these challenges present opportunities for dramatic shifts in energy production.

Monday, 2 May, 6:00pm ¤ locally produced Eco-Radio KC
Host Steve Mann will be discussing the new book, Deep Green Resistance with two of the authors, Lierre Kieth and Aric McBay. They describe how our industrial society is the most destructive to ever exist, and offer a strategy to stop the destruction and transition to a ecologically sustainable society.

Wednesday, 27 April 2011, 7:00pm
700 Mississippi St., Lawrence KS 66044 (Michael's office above garage)

The Kaw Valley Transition Initiative is addressing climate disruption and peak oil inflation at the local level, a relocalization effort similar to hundreds around the globe. Wednesday's meeting will be a round table sharing of people's vision, resources, and skills that can contribute to furthering Transition Kaw Valley.

The Transition movement was begun by Rob Hopkins in Great Britain, and in the U.S. is coordinated by Transition US based in Sebastapol CA. They help local initiatives with resources and publications, and they have trainers available to conduct local training sessions. For more info, or to get on the S.A.N. Transition Kaw Valley e-mail list, contact them at .

Saturday, 30 April 2011 - $$$
(see event listing below - 17-21 May)

Warren Brush is returning to Lawrence to teach a four day Advanced Permaculture Design course from Tuesday-Saturday, 17-21 May. Tuesday evening is "Intro to Permaculture" lecture; Wednesday, Delaware Street Commons hosts a fundamentals session; Thursday's urban intensive session is at Forest Floor Permaculture; Friday-Saturday culminates with broad acre design at Karlin Family Farm. But you need to register NOW to receive the discount. To register and get more info, go to Advanced Permaculture with Warren Brush, or call (785) 371-4700. More details are further below.

Saturday, 30 April 2011, 10:00am-1:00pm - $$
12th Street Homestead, 1145 Pennsylvania St., Lawrence KS 66044

This hands-on workshop will address concerns of cleaning up contaminated soils in urban brownfields, specifically for urban food gardeners. With special guest speaker, Trish Jackson PhD. Mycelia are the filamentous organism present in all soils for which mushrooms are the fruiting body. Paul Stamets of Fungi Perfecti calls mycelia the "grand dissemblers of nature" because they break down complex substances into simpler components. And that's how mycelia remove contaminants from soil, including petroleum byproducts, plastic residues, PCBs and even dioxin. Come with appropriate gardening attire. Please RSVP at <12sthomestead@gmail.com>.


Bolivia is set to pass the world's first laws granting all nature equal rights to humans. The Law of Mother Earth, now agreed by politicians and grassroots social groups, redefines the country's rich mineral deposits as "blessings". The law draws deeply on indigenous concepts that view nature as a sacred home, the Pachamama (Mother Earth) on which we intimately depend. Specific rights of nature are defined as the rights to life and regeneration, biodiversity, water, clean air, balance, and restoration. The law will be backed up by a new Ministry of Mother Earth. Read more at Bolivia enshrines natural world's rights with Law of Mother Earth and The Law of Mother Earth: Behind Bolivia's Historic Bill.

Tuesday, 3 May 2011, 3:00-5:00pm
School of Pharmacy patio (south side of building), 2010 Becker Dr., west campus, Lawrence KS

The faculty and staff of the Native Medicinal Plant Research Program at the University of Kansas will host this public planting of a medicinal plant garden. The garden will have five themed beds of medicinal plants, about 70 species total. The event will open with a short presentation about the new garden as well as KU’s first medicinal garden, planted by the School of Pharmacy in the 1920s. For more info contact Kirsten Bosnak, nativeplants@ku.edu or 864-6267

Thursday, 5 May 2011, 4:00-6:00pm
Cottin's Hardware, 1832 Massachusetts St., Lawrence KS

In their second year, this weekly market on Thursdays typically has about a dozen vendors, as well as Indian tacos, bar-B-que, children's events, and live music (Bill Crahan this week). For bands to book a date, or just for more info, call (785)843-2981.

Sunday, 6 May 2011, 7:00pm
1317 Vermont St. Apt.B, Lawrence KS 66044 (Lori's home)

Local Solutions for Transition to a Sustainable Economy
Organizing societal scale action in our personal lives, and through public policy changes.
The meeting agenda will include:
  • S.A.N. newsletter auto-send report
  • S.A.N. social media - policy proposal
  • Growers' Land Trust Community Garden
  • Warren Brush permaculture course
  • organize volunteers for Warren Brush permaculture course
  • sweet potato order: coordinators lined up and ready
  • community workshops: super adobe, solar food dehydrator, cold frames, rain barrels, etc.
  • S.A.N. web site: list serve, content, pay pal, etc.
Please join us

Saturday, 7 May 2011, 2:30pm
Lawrence Public Library Auditorium, 7th & Vermont St., Lawrence KS 66044

Moving from the premise that industrial society is the most destructive to ever exist, Derek Jensen and co-authors, Aric McBay and Lierre Keith, provide a strategy to stop the destruction and transition to a ecologically sustainable society. The information is compelling, and their solutions range from depriving the powerful of their ability to destroy the planet, to defending and rebuilding just and sustainable human communities nestled inside repaired and restored landbases. The book discussion will explore how to do this. There are lots of resources at Deep Green Resistance, and they ask that participants read about it before the discussion meeting.

Wednesday, 11 May 2011, 5:30pm
Recycling and Resource Recovery Annex, 320 N.E. Industrial Lane, Lawrence KS

The May agenda is unavailable to date. The S.A.B. meets monthly to discuss any and all aspects of furthering sustainability policies and practices by the City of Lawrence government and private persons. The public is welcome. Minutes are finalized in about a month after each meeting http://www.lawrenceks.org/wrr/envadvisoryboard

Wednesday, 11 May 2011, 4:00-6:00pm
Mid America Regional Council, Rivergate Center 2nd floor, 600 Broadway, KC MO

The Environmental Management Commission promotes environmental awareness and resource efficiency to the City's leader and staff, to assist the progress of Kansas City toward sustainability. The general public is encouraged to attend and observe meetings and to join and participate in its efforts. More information go to http://ww4.kcmo.org/manager.nsf/web/emc

Friday, 13 May 2011, 6:00-9:00pm - $$$
Dreher 4-H Building, 2110 Harper St., Lawrence KS 66044

This ninth session will present a comprehensive survey of approaches to the construction of energy efficient structures and of buildings using sustainably produced materials. We will explore the construction of passive solar, attached solar greenhouse, berm, cob, cord wood and SIPS structures. The lecture will be followed by a viewing of the film "Green Architecture".

Steve Moring of Vajra Farm Permaculture Center is teaching this Design Certification Course with assistance from Michael Almon and Michael Morley. Preregistration is required, and a percentage of the fees will support the Kaw Permaculture Collaborative and it's parent organization, the Sustainability Action Network. For more info go to Kaw Permaculture Collaborative, or contact Steve Moring at (785)691-7305 or .

Saturday, 14 May 2011, 9:00am to 1:00pm
Free State High School (north parking lot), 4700 Overland Drive, Lawrence KS

Electronics devices typically contain toxic heavy metals like lead and mercury and cadmium, and precious metals like silver and gold. If recycled properly, these metals can be materials feed stock for new industrial processes, not to mention saving production costs, and keeping them out of the landfill.

This one day event will provide Lawrence residents and businesses a way to conveniently recycle old, unwanted electronics equipment. Items accepted for recycling are computer monitors, desktops, laptops, keyboards, printers and other peripherals, televisions, copiers, scanners, telephones, cell phones, pagers, fax machines, VHS/DVD drives, hand held devices, and small appliances like micro wave or toaster ovens. There is a recycling fee for computer monitors ($10.00) and televisions ($10.00-$20.00). There are no charges for other electronic equipment. Items not accepted are large appliances such as refrigerators and AC units. Fees may be paid by cash or check.

Electronic recycling will be provided by the Surplus Exchange http://www.surplusexchange.org/, a Kansas City not-for-profit that recycles the E-waste in accordance to Federal and Kansas Electronic Waste Processing Regulations. The event is sponsored by the City of Lawrence Waste Reduction & Recycling Division http://www.lawrencerecycles.org/

Saturday, 14 May 2010, 10:00am-1:00pm
Clinton City Park, 5th & Alabama St., Lawrence KS

The gift must always move! This free and open market will be a celebration of the cooperation and gift-giving that make life possible beyond the constraints of capitalists markets. Everyone is invited to give and receive clothing, household items, books, plants, seeds, crafts, information, skills, music, services, art, performances, stories, food, etc. There is no buying, selling, bartering, or exchanging involved-in this market, everything is strictly FREE!

Small items and clothing not taken from the Really, Really Free Market will be donated to the Penn House or Social Service League thrift store. However, large items cannot be transported to the thrift store. People are asked to take responsibility for any large items they bring that are not taken by the end of the event.

Tuesday-Saturday, 17-21 May 2011, one evening & four full days - $$$
Lawrence, Kansas

Join world renowned permaculture instructor, Warren Brush, Director of Quail Springs Permaculture Center, and presenter at the September 2011 International Permaculture Conference in Jordan. Warren Brush is a certified permaculture designer and teacher as well as a mentor and storyteller, who has worked for over 25 years in permaculture education and sustainable systems design. This design series will include:
  • Tuesday, 17 May, 7:00pm, lecture "Intro to Permaculture", Lawrence Public Library
  • Wednesday, 18 May, 8:00am-5:30pm, "Permaculture Design Fundamantals", Delaware Street Commons
  • Thursday, 19 May, 8:00am-5:30pm, "Urban Intensive Permaculture Design", Forest Floor Permaculture
  • Friday-Saturday, 20-21 May, 8:00am-5:30pm, "Broadacre Permaculture Design", Karlin Family Farm
The course will cover: food-water-energy security, soil building, agroforestry, wholistic range management, earthworks, aquaculture, appropriate technology, and more. For more info and to register, go to Advanced Permaculture with Warren Brush. Discount rates apply up through 30 April. This design series is sponsored by Karlin Family Farms, the Kaw Permaculture Collaborative, the Sustainability Action Network, Forest Floor Permaculture, Delaware Street Commons, ALL-N-1 Landscape, and Films for Action.

Saturday, 21 May 2011, 9:30am to 12:00pm - FREE
Discovery Center of MO Dept. of Conservation, 4750 Troost, K.C. MO

Bring your labeled extras to put in the group, and it's all available to choose take home. And at 10:00am, Diane Whealy, co-founder of the Seed Savers Exchange, will be speaking. Herbs, heirlooms, veggies, trees, seeds, bulbs, cuttings - you name it people bring it. It is all free and they do it to encourage gardening and growing locally. For more info contact <dthrumc@sbcglobal.net> or call (816)356-9892.

Sunday, 22 May 2011, 12:30-5:30pm - $$
5425 Mastin St., Merriam, KS, 66203

Rising food prices due to rising energy prices have sparked a wide interest in urban farming and local/regional food. The Kansas City Center for Urban Agriculture has been growing annual vegetables for many years and helping K.C. urban farmers to make small-scale urban agriculture more profitable. However, with funding from the Audubon Society in alliance with Toyota, the KCCUA has recently embarked on a permaculture food forest project, to grow perennial tree and fruit crops.

In order to use this food forest as a catalyst for increased urban permaculture, the KCCUA will be holding a design workshop with local permaculture teachers and practitioners. Workshop presenters will be: Michael Almon, Matt Bunch, Cathy Bylinowsky, Daniel Dermitzel, Steve Mann, and Steve Moring. The workshop will cover theory and design of edible forest gardens, including a model design exercise. For more info go to KCCUA Food Forest, or call (913)831-2444.

The SUSTAINABILITY ACTION NETWORK, Inc. is a 501(C)(3) tax-exempt organization. DONATIONS ARE TAX DEDUCTIBLE. Mail checks to P.O.Box 1064, Lawrence KS 66044.

Our mission is to advocate and organize societal scale action to address sustainability issues. The triple crises of Energy-Ecology-Economy are building so rapidly that large scale action is needed immediately and methodically to overcome institutional barriers and advance public policy that preserves ecological sustainability. Our focus is to build a relocalized economy-ecology in concert with the Transition Town movement occurring in many other communities. To join the Sustainability Action Network please contact us at

Our current projects include:
1) Transition Kaw Valley - initiating transition to a relocalized post-carbon economy, and municipal-level Peak Oil response planning.
2) Kaw Permaculture Collaborative and Kansas Permaculture Institute - developing skills and resources for polyculture sustainable food production.
3) Eco Village Land Trust - Designing and focalizing a sustainable intentional community near Lawrence.
4) Growers' Land Trust - organizing interested stakeholders to acquire prime farmland in the urban fringe for land-based economic development and regional food security.
5) Weekly Sustainability Announcements - informing and encouraging others to become active in the Sustainability Action Network, or other action driven groups.
6) Water Rights and Watersheds - protecting the water commons, the source of all life, from privatization and contamination, and restoring our watersheds.
7) Electric & Human Powered Vehicles - promoting neighborhood electric vehicles and utility tricycles, including infrastructure and pro-active regulations.
8) Energy Conservation & Renewables - advancing a green economy through decentralized renewable energy and conservation.
9) Collaboration with sister organizations - such as: The Light Center eco-village; Kaw River Valley Food System farm-based economic development; Citizens for Responsible Planning; Films for Action; Kansas River Valley Growers fighting for local water rights; national efforts by the Sustainable Energy Network; KC Metro groups like the Kansas City Food Circle, Transition Kansas City, and the All Species Project, etc.

We welcome suggestions for items to be included. Please send items to

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