OCTOBER 19, 2011
Below, you will find more information on the following events:
Oct. 20-22: Lawrence Fall Compost Sale
Oct. 22: EcoParents' Fall Children's Clothing Swap
Oct. 25: VegLawrence Vegan Potluck
Nov. 4: Annual Book Exchange and Chocolate Potluck
Donate to Just Food
Every Saturday at noon until November 19th, Douglas County Extension Master Gardener volunteers will collect donated produce from the generous vendors at the Lawrence Farmers Market which is immediately delivered to the Just Food Food Bank at 11th and Haskell. If you would like to purchase extra produce at the Farmers Market or bring produce from home and share it with those in need, you can drop off your donations at the main Farmers Market tent at the south side of the Market.
Sustainability Calendar
Thursday-Saturday, Oct. 20-22, 2011 (see below for times)
City of Lawrence Fall Compost Sale
1420 E. 11th Street
The City of Lawrence announces the schedule for Fall Compost Sale for Lawrence residents: October 20 (8am-3pm), Friday, October 21 (8am-3pm), and Saturday, October 22 (8am-4pm). may close early if supply is depleted).
The Compost Sale will take place at the City's Wood Recovery and Composting Facility, located at 1420 E. 11th Street, east of 11th and Haskell, over the railroad tracks. Citizens may either load their own material or have it loaded by tractor into pickups and small trailers. The City cannot load trucks with ladder racks. The cost of the compost will be $10 per truckload (more for larger trucks or trailers) and free for all self-loaders. Cash only, please. This compost is not intended for commercial applications, but rather for the citizens of Lawrence. Dump truck quantities are not allowed.
For further information, please contact the City's Waste Reduction and Recycling Division at 832-3030 or
Saturday, October 22, 2011, 1-3pm (Early Check-in at 12:30)
EcoParents' Fall Children's Clothing Swap
Lawrence Public Library: 707 Vermont
If you've been to a swap before, you know the rules. Bring in your CLEAN children's clothing that is in GOOD condition and trade for something different. Girls and boys clothing and shoes and maternity wear will be accepted. No accessories, toys, or old baby gear, please. You'll get to take those back home with you.
The swap is free although we are asking for a $1.00 per person donation at the door to help cover the costs for the vent.
The event starts at 1:00 but you can come at 12:30 to check in. When checking in, we will count the number of items you bring and give you that number of "tickets" which will be your swap currency. At 1:00 you can start shopping. When you are done simply bring your selected items and tickets to the check out. We'll verify that you are leaving with the same number of items you came with and you can go. If you would like to shop but don't have anything to swap, we will sell tickets for a nominal fee ($1.00 - $2.00). All proceeds will be used to offset costs for the event.
Here are the rest of the rules:
1. This is a one-to-one swap. In other words, if you bring in 3 items, you can exchange them for three other items. If you bring in items but don't see anything you would like to take, you must still leave what you have brought.
2. All items must be in CLEAN, wearable condition. They don't have to be perfect but please don't bring items that have obvious stains holes, or are very shabby. If an item isn't in good enough condition to wear to school or Grandma's house you shouldn't bring it. If we determine that an item is not in good enough condition to swap, you may either take it back home with you or leave on the free table. Any items not accepted will not count as part of your swap total.
3. Small items like socks and underwear can be put in quart sized ziplock bags and will count as one item. Again, please only bring itmes that are clean and in good condition. All items (other than those in bags) will count as one ticket regardless of size. Also safety pin together all parts to any sets, i.e. pajamas, shorts/shirts, etc.
4. We will only take boys and girls clothing and shoes (infant sizes through teens) and maternity wear. No blankets, toys, or any other baby gear.
5. All items left at the end of the day will be donated to an area community center, school, or other non-profit (Penn House, SSL, etc.). You may not come back to retrieve your old items.
Also - we are looking for clothing donations and volunteers! If you can't attend but have clothes you are willing to donate, please email and we'll make arrangements to pick them up. We want to have a good selection for people to choose from.
We will also need people to help out the day of the swap. If you want to volunteer, let us know here or email us
We hope to see everyone there!
Tuesday, October 25, 2011 at 6pm
VEG Lawrence Vegan Potluck
1204 Oread, ECM
Being vegan helps heal the earth, saves the lives of animals, improves health, and helps bring peace and nonviolence to the world.
This month we thought we'd spend some time sharing ideas for future VegLawrence events, speakers, and activities. If you can't make it and have some suggestions, please email them to Judy (see email below) or post on the VegLawrence facebook page.
Fun, food, and friends: VEGLawrence vegan potlucks are here to provide a way to get together to share friendship, food, recipes, information, and good times. Everyone is welcome. It is sponsored by Animal Outreach of Kansas (AOK). ECM has a large dining room and kitchen that we use for the potlucks. We will pass around an envelope for donations to ECM to help them with their expenses and their many great projects.
To find out more, what to bring, etc. please go to: Facebook
Child care is available for a small fee. See Sammi Farb at the potluck for information.
Hope to see you there.
Judy Carman
Friday, November 4, 2011, 5:30pm
Books for Baby’s Bums: Annual Book Exchange and Chocolate Potluck
Lawrence Visitor’s Center (Train Depot)
How’s it work, you ask??
1. Donate all those books (non-fiction, fiction, children’s), dvds, cds, tapes you’ve enjoyed (the good ones - ones you think someone else might want - not the moldy old textbooks no one bought at the last garage sale!)
2. Bring diapers to donate to the Diaper Closet at The Ballard Center - especially sizes 3,4, & 5. Not only will these diaper donations go to The Ballard Center, this year, ALL proceeds from the book sales will go to them as well…..thus, Books for Baby’s Bums. Get it??????
3. Pick up new-to-you books for only $1 each.
4. Bring your favorite chocolate to share. We’ll have wine, cheese and fruit.
5. See the unveiling (and selling) of the new 100 Good Women T-shirt!!!!
6. Tell everyone you know—bring friends, family (adults only, please).
Questions? Want to help? Call a board member or go to
or Facebook at “One Hundred Good Women”
LSN is an all-volunteer organization
dedicated to learning how to live lightly and sustainably.
Sustainability requires that we restore biodiversity and environmental health, strengthen relationships within and among human communities, insist on democratic decision-making at all levels of governance, insure social and economic equity for all, promote peaceful conflict resolution, and reorient our aims from growth to stability and justice. It means living within our means today and protecting the interests of future generations. LSN supports the efforts of individuals and organizations that work toward these goals.
Send announcement of your sustainability-related events to
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