Friday, October 07, 2011

Breaking News & Commentary from Citizens for Legitimate Government, 06 Oct 2011

Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens for Legitimate Government
06 Oct 2011 - Early Edition
All links are here:
Occupy Main Street By Michael Rectenwald 06 Oct 2011 The deregulation, the bailouts, the hoarding, the investment boycott, the austerity measures, the imperialist wars, the political and economic inaction and indifference – these are all symptomatic of the same crisis and cannot simply be attributed to individual character flaws or even to political desiderata. Certainly the system produces the very monsters and policies that the protesters declaim. But their existence and behavior is an utterly predictable product of objective historical conditions.
Outraged protesters clash with police in Greece By Jonathan Woods 05 Oct 2011 Riot police engaged protesters in Athens, after a small group of protesters started throwing rocks in Syntagma Square on Wednesday. Meanwhile, thousands of striking workers marched to parliament, protesting austerity measures. (Photo essay)
Occupy Wall Street Arrests; Fox 5 Crew and Protesters Hit by Pepper Spray, Batons --Protest broadens scope 06 Oct 2011 While covering the Occupy Wall Street protests on Wednesday night, Fox 5 photographer Roy Isen was hit in the eyes by pepper spray from a police officer and Fox 5 reporter Dick Brennan was hit by an officer's baton. The protests on Wall Street continued to grow all day. The rallies and their participants are showing no signs of slowing down. In the evening, crowds surged past barriers and NYPD officers moved in to contain the protesters. Officers, many wearing white shirts [although donning black shirts would have signalled a wardrobe more reflective of their behavior] indicating supervisor rank, swatted protesters with batons and sprayed them with mace, video from the scene showed.
Thousands march in Occupy Wall Street protest 05 Oct 2011 Thousands of people waving signs and chanting slogans marched Wednesday afternoon from Occupy Wall Street's encampment in Lower Manhattan's financial district to Foley Square in front of the courthouse to press their anti-greed message. It was by far the biggest march yet in New York since the movement began Sept. 17 and was helped by the presence of people representing various labor groups, among them transportation union workers, nurses and teachers.
The political issues in the fight against Wall Street By Bill Van Auken 05 Oct 2011 The Occupy Wall Street protest, now in its third week, has struck a powerful chord throughout the US, with similar occupations developing in Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles and other cities and towns across the country. The demonstrators and their demand for social equality have given expression to the growing hostility of millions towards capitalism, the banks and the corporations, and the burning need for jobs, decent living standards and a guarantee of health care, education and other basic social necessities.
'Occupy Boston' protesters set up tent city By Kate Randall 05 Oct 2011 "Occupy Boston" protesters have set up a tent city in response to the Wall Street protests in New York. About 200 people have been camping out overnight in Dewey Square, opposite South Station and the Federal Reserve building in Boston’s financial district... "Occupy Boston" reached an agreement with the Conservancy Trust, which owns the private land where the action is taking place, to set up the camp.
Occupy Philly Takes a Stand Against "Corporate Greed" --Protesters are critical of politicians in Washington and Harrisburg. 06 Oct 2011 Several hundred people rallied outside Philadelphia City Hall on Thursday as part of an Occupy Philadelphia rally modeled after the ongoing protest on Wall Street in New York. The crowd began gathering on Thursday morning and swelled through the noon hour. The event on Dilworth Plaza was a mix of speakers, demonstrators carrying signs, chanting and some musicians. An afternoon march was planned around City Hall, with police on standby to temporarily stop traffic in Center City.
Occupy Wall Street spreads to Philadelphia, 250 at City Hall 06 Oct 2011 Occupy Wall Street-style protesters swarmed Philadelphia City Hall Thursday with messages of anger and hope. An estimated 250 people amassed on the 15th Street side, holding banners, picket signs and props. Teresa Shoatz of West Philadelphia held a poster-board sign saying, "Jail bankers for fraud."
Los Angeles lawmakers cheer on protesters outside City Hall 04 Oct 2011 During Tuesday's Los Angeles City Council meeting, a speaker stood and told lawmakers they were ignoring an obvious fact: "You are surrounded by tents." He was referring to the large group of protesters camped a few hundred feet away, on a grassy lawn outside City Hall. The group, which calls itself Occupy L.A., has been there since Saturday in a demonstration against economic policies that benefit corporations and the wealthiest Americans. The speaker, John Walsh, invited the council members to tour the tent city outside. So when the meeting adjourned, several of them did.
Nurses to Join March on Wall Street October 5, Demand Wall Street Transaction Tax – an 'FTT' 03 Oct 2011 National Nurses United, the largest union and professional association of nurses in the US – with 170,000 members, will be represented at the Wall Street March on October 5 by contingents including from Maryland, Pennsylvania, California, Washington, D.C., Illinois and New York. NNU is joining other unions, organizations and community groups in support of Occupy Wall Street. NNU is pressing for a financial transaction tax (FTT) which was in effect in the US from 1914 to 1966.
'Occupy DC' protesters rally in Freedom Plaza 06 Oct 2011 A couple of hundred social justice protesters launched an "occupation" of Freedom Plaza Thursday, the area's first major demonstration against rising inequality since the Occupy Wall Street movement began last month in New York and spread around the country. Decrying corporate greed, ineffective political leaders and a rising gap between the haves and the have nots in the United States, protesters unfurled sleeping bags and raised tents in the public plaza in the shadow of the White House, vowing to stay indefinitely -- or until their voices are heard.
October 6: Occupation of Washington DC begins ( 05 Oct 2011 Starting on October 6, 2011, thousands of concerned Americans will assemble in Freedom Plaza, in Washington DC to take control of our country and our lives. We will occupy the plaza and hold a People's Assembly where we come up with just and sustainable solutionsto the crises we face and demand that these solutions be presented and that the people's needs be addressed. [Citizens for Legitimate Government endorses the October 6 events. CLG is building toward Seize DC, spring 2012!]
Bank of America website remains down [Anonymous, why not make sure it *stays* down?] --Speculation swirls as angry customers try to withdraw their money 04 Oct 2011 There is a lot of speculation about why Bank of America's website remains down as outraged customers try to get their money out of the bank following an increase in fees. Adding to the frustration, BofA's home page has an error message and the online service has been slow since Friday, sending thousands of customers to the web to complain and petition the fees.
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